Our Strategic Plan
Our 5 year strategic plan will guide decision making and resource allocation to ensure we are meeting the needs of our community in the best ways possible
At its core, the Parkdale Community Food Bank is unwavering in its commitment to alleviating food insecurity by providing essential food support to anyone in need. The food bank’s focus extends beyond provision, dedicated to fostering a welcoming, respectful, and inclusive environment for all.
From March to August 2023, Parkdale Community Food Bank engaged Laridae, a leading management consulting firm, to guide the Board of Directors and staff through a strategic planning process, leading to the adoption of a new strategic plan. The process enabled the Board of Directors and senior leadership to reflect on the organization’s current state and the environment in which it works. It also ensured that the voices of 196 individuals were engaged and heard through a comprehensive stakeholder engagement process that included staff, volunteers, clients, and community partners.
In September 2023, the Board of Directors, leadership, and full staff team came together to give shape to the strategic path ahead through a two-part planning retreat.
To support our mission, achieve our goal, respond to what we heard from our community, and address the internal and external considerations that shaped the planning process, our strategy is focused on the following three strategic pillars:
● Building Internal Capacity and Resilience
● Engaging our Donors and Community
● Measuring and Communicating Impact

Parkdale Community Food Bank is committing to a five-year strategic plan. As such, these directions are broad and oriented to the future—providing a clear focus and direction while allowing us to respond and adapt as circumstances evolve. These directions will provide a strong framework for developing annual operational plans with measurable goals and realistic objectives for the organization to monitor our progress effectively.
Click below to download a full overview of Our Strategic Plan.